IF (+ video tutorial)

The IF function returns one result if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE, and a different result if that condition evaluates to FALSE.




For example, the formula evaluating the cell A1with the new computer price can run like this: IF(A1>999,"Bloody rip-off","Fair price")

If the price is $999 or less, the result of the formula is Fair price, if the price tag is higher, the result of the formula will display Bloody rip-off

IF Functions can be embedded in another IF function, creating chained logical tests - searches, assiging multiple results based on different conditions: IF(IFS="fruits",IF(BUTS="nuts","CHRISTMAS"," ")," ")

In this case the formula evaluates one name - IFS and if its definition returns the word fruits, it keeps searching in the name BUTS for a word nuts. Only if both of these searches are positive, it returns the word CHRISTMAS, otherwise just an empty space.


Formulas used in this video:
"IF(B2<1000," A fair price.","A bloody rip-off!")"
"IF(IFS="fruits",IF(BUTS="nuts","CHRISTMAS"," ")," ")" 

Another example of a chained IF logical test is an European VAT table assiging based on the customers country (defined as the name CC):

        IF(CC="Czech Republic",20%,
                               IF(CC="United Kingdom",20%,0%)

This function is a part of our Smart Invoice video tutorial: