Inserting and formatting static text in your Cross-References

Apart from the variable elements as content or position of the source, references can also contain static text.


A good example is the default format "Heading & Page" When you choose to edit this format in the Define Cross-Reference Formats dialog, you will see the following definition: ^{< paratext/>^} on page < pagenum/> .

The expressions in italics are the format elements, the text in bold is the static text which will appear in every cross-reference using this format. These characters ^{ represent double left quotation mark.

To include static text in your cross-reference format, you can type the text directly into the format  Definition field next to the elements; example: Figure < paratext cstyle= filterbycstyle="Figure #"/>

This format will create a reference which will always contain the word Figure and a quote of the source paragraph words formatted using the "Figure #" Character style. Such formatting can be useful when referencing illustrations. To use a specific Character style for the word "Figure" select the word in the Define Cross-Reference Formats dialog:

< span cstyle="character style name"> Figure <  /span>

< span> is a code for Character override element you can find in the Insert Cross-Reference Format Element dialog

When using character styles while formatting remember that InDesign style names are case sensitive.

When inserting static text keep in mind that variable elements will change. Make the text prepared for every alternative.